Community Update (June 2023)

Community Update (June 2023)
Screenshot taken and submitted to our Discord by @nico.0411

This update brings many improvements, bug fixes, features and content to the table after a long hiatus of update posts.

During the past few months, we've constantly been making changes, tweaking things and pushing them to #1 after short periods of testing on #2 for stability. Despite the lack of update posts, we're always making improvements.

As usual, these update posts document most things that have changed since the last update announcement.

Update Posts

First of all, as you can see, we're using a new system for our community updates. Our forum is ageing, and it's just not suitable for the type of format that we'd like to use for our updates anymore, and to be honest, it never really has been.

This new platform gives us a lot more freedom, being a tool designed for this use case! We hope you like the breeze of fresh air :)

Server Updates

  • Added a new backend system for handling persistent client settings (by @nex)

    This has helped us keep things tidy when implementing persistent settings, and is now being used by the addition below (and more to come).

  • Added session persistence to various settings (by @nex)

    When you change one of these settings, it now persists for the next time you join.

    • Disable Idle Camera
    • Anti-Lag System
    • All settings related to player names
  • Added network syncing of player head rotation via camera (by @nex)

    This means that, when you rotate your camera and your characters head moves, other players will also see your head rotate. Before now, this wasn't a thing and players saw your head (and vice versa) as constantly looking forward.

  • Adjusted the max distance of the drone camera in vMenu (by @StOneR)
  • Adjusted the logic of noclip to be independent of FPS (by @nex)
  • Adjusted all previous "Illegal client modification" ban reasons to "Cheating" for simplicity and to avoid confusion (by @nex)
  • Adjusted vMenu scenarios to be disabled in the PvP lobby due to abuse (by @StOneR)
  • Fixed a bug with freecam where player movement would still be enabled (by @StOneR)
  • Fixed a bug with drift and stunt races with inactive races (by @StOneR)
  • Fixed multiple bugs with the handling editor related to value clamping and handling (by @StOneR)
  • Fixed multiple bugs where certain settings would become desynced with their state in the server hub (by @nex)
  • Fixed a bug with custom turbo settings that resulted in a miscalculation (by @nex)
  • Fixed an exploit where players could equip weapons in passive mode (by @nex)
  • Fixed an exploit where players could crash nearby players (by @nex)

    We've issued bans for all of the players that abused this exploit based on crash analytics.

  • Fixed the update popup after API changes (by @nex)

    This is a less useful change now that we're switching to a different system to handle update posts, but it will be changed in the future to support this new platform.

  • Fixed a bug with server mutes where they would not show up in chat (by @nex)
  • Fixed an error with the parties system that appeared upon loading into the server (by @nex)
  • Fixed multiple bugs related to passive mode, noclipping, parties, player names, player blips and more (by @nex)
  • Fixed a bug with lobbies where supporters couldn't spawn certain vehicle types despite their subscription allowing them to (by @nex)
  • Fixed a bug with chat tags where tags wouldn't appear properly (by @nex)
  • Fixed a bug with player model check within vMenu that allowed players to use blacklisted models in PvP (by @StOneR)
  • Fixed a bug with automatic chat moderation where certain messages would hang and crash the server (by @nex)
  • Improved anti-cheat and anti-exploit measures (by @nex)
  • Improved the auto moderation system when it comes to handling chat messages and ban evaders (by @nex)
  • Improved and updated many backend features for significantly improved performance, reliability and stability (by @nex)

    This was a massive undertaking for us as many features of the server depend on the servers' core. A lot of our dependencies were outdated and we figured it was time to update them and upgrade our database cluster for improved performance across the board. We are now proactively working on keeping these up to date with the most recent stable versions.

  • Removed invalid/unavailable vehicles from the store system (by @nex)
  • Removed the "Force stop scenario" feature from vMenu due to abuse (by @StOneR)

Store Updates

We've added validation to all store logins (at to prevent players from purchasing packages on accounts that they've never used to connect to the server.

This used to be a problem for a surprising amount of people, where they'd purchase a package on the wrong account and then question (often through tickets) why they didn't get the package.

Furthermore, using a VPN or proxy to log into the store is now prohibited to counter store ban evasion attempts, as we do issue store bans to accounts that we, for example, don't want purchasing unbans to get back into our community.

The End... for now!

We hope you like the update; although it doesn't seem like much given how much time has passed since the last update post, we've been working hard fixing complex issues.

We have more on the way for next month, so stay tuned, have fun, and thanks for reading!