Community Update (February, 2025)

This update lot includes all of the changes within the 2.0 update featuring new gameplay mechanics, performance improvements, custom maps and much more - as well as the updates made since then.
Update Highlights
These are the highlights, the largest and most important changes that we think will mean the most to you.
As usual, the full change log is down below at the bottom of the post.
š° Heists: ATM Robberies
We've implemented the first phase of our fully custom heists system, utilizing our custom developed pickup system that perfectly syncs with all nearby players.
The basics of it
Walking up to any ATM on the map and using the interaction menu (left-alt) will allow you to hack the ATM and get some money from it.
It's that easy, but there are a few risks...
PvP Response
When you hack an ATM, all nearby players in a large radius get notified of it with a blip on the map. This prompts players to come and challenge you for your stolen cash which will be dropped upon being killed.
PvE Response
Likewise, when hacking an ATM the police are alerted of the hack and will respond accordingly. During this period, you cannot override your wanted level and must escape the police to secure the bag.
Dynamic cash amount
How much cash you earn from an ATM robbery is dynamic and random. Money can spawn in up to 3 waves with each cash pickup being completely random in amount.
Cooldown and world effects
When an ATM is robbed, a cooldown of 15 minutes is in place (subject to future balancing improvements) before anyone on the server can rob another one.
A similar but shorter cooldown is applied to depositing money, which lasts 5 minutes after a recent ATM robbery and prevents everyone from depositing their cash into their bank account (more on this below).
š Minigames: Pool, Tennis, Golf & More
We've added plenty of new social activities for you and your friends to enjoy at your own leisure.
Find any pool table and cue rack on the map and interact with them through the interaction menu (left-alt). Equip a pool cue and set the game up for a small fee (server tax).
We've also added a billiards location on the Del Perro Pier for your enjoyment.
š¾ Tennis
On the map, you'll find tennis blips where you and your friend can go to and play a nice, relaxing game of tennis. It'll take a bit to understand how to play, but when it clicks, it's a load of fun.
ā³ Golf
Go to the golf course in Rockford to create a golf lobby for you and your friends, unless you're a loner of course and just want to play on your own - that's fine.
You can switch between different golf clubs which alter the trajectory of your shot, and there are 9 holes to putt your balls into ;)
š³ Bowling
Head to the lanes (bowling alley) in La Mesa to play some traditional bowling, featuring many lanes to choose from.
šŗ Dance Battles
Aha! We saved this one for last because it's arguably the most fun out of them all.
Play with up to 24 players in an epic dance battle by using the /dance
command. Use any supported song via YouTube and choose from multiple difficulties ranging from easy to hard.
- Rhythm Mastery: Solo dance to a song you choose. Match your moves with the arrow keys (or WASD) to gain score based on your precision. Get the highest combo and show them what you've got!
- Change dance styles freely.
- Dance moves and speed change depending on how well you play.
- Beat Battle: Same as rhythm mastery, but with multiplayer! Battle with up to 24 of your friends and foes to get the highest score and see who's the best!
- Freestyle Fiesta: Just chill out with no music selection, which is useful in nightclubs where music is already being played.
- Change dance moves, styles and speed as you want.
- Arrow keys are optional but your speed and moves will still be controlled by how well you play.
š· Simple Economy: Banking & Transfers
Along with this update, we've implemented a very simple banking system by design which allows you to withdraw and deposit money to and from your bank account and cash wallet.
No fussing about with awkward and long banking systems - it's simple, easy, fast and fits into our sandbox server nature.
You're not required to participate in the economy if you don't want to - we are still a sandbox freeroam server but do appreciate the chunk of you that want more things to do.
Bank accounts
You only get one, and it's a super secure place for storing your hard-earned cash.
No other player can take money from your bank account, but you also won't be able to spend money on most in-game activities (keep reading for those) that require cash, and won't be able to transfer it to another players bank account.
Depositing cash
There's a risk to depositing your cash: you must be out of passive mode before interacting with an ATM to do so.
Why is this a risk? See the next highlight!
Transferring cash
If you want to give cash to, or request cash from another player, then use the interaction menu (left-alt) when looking at their ped for the option to give or request cash to/from them.
š¤¬ PvP: Cash Drops
Using our new pickup system, when you kill a player that's carrying cash on them, the cash drops onto the floor for other nearby players to pickup and steal.
The cash will drop in a few different forms depending on how much cash they were carrying, up to a limit of 10k per drop, and rounded down to the nearest amount:
- $10,000: Gold duffel bag
- $5,000: Red duffel bag
- $2,500: Purple duffel bag
- $1,000: Blue duffel bag
- $250: A pile of cash
- $1: A stack of bills
If you were killed then you'll be unable to pick your cash up until 5 seconds have passed after being killed.
Due to the 10k drop limit, if you had (for example) 30k cash on you, then it would take 3 kills (drops) for you to lose all of your cash.
šļø Integration
We've added support for using on our servers, which adds bookmarks to your clips when you die, get killed, kill someone else, and more.
Your clips will also show up on our verified Medal page when you publicly upload them, which is particularly cool for those wanting to view some server-related content to see what it's all about.
š Moderation: Report System
Our old report system wasn't transparent and informative enough and have always felt like a blackhole for most of you, which is why we've now removed it and replaced it with something new, shiny, modern and productive.
Using the new reports system, you'll be able to search for and report other players through our server hub (F1) with ease and track all of your most recent and open reports through the interface, including if it's been seen by our staff and if/when it was actioned upon.
This is our effort to apologise for the previous system and its shortcomings (including lack of transparency), and to thank you for helping us keep our server clean from all the bad mischief that occurs amongst the good!
We'll be adding more functionality to this new system soon.
šļø HUD: Improved
Yes, our UI and HUD has been improved! This includes our watermark which now features warning indicators for when your FPS or ping is bad, a new notification system, and most importantly... the choice of colour!
š Watermark
The watermark that you all know and love, the staple and unique branding of our servers, has received some much-needed improvements.
First of all, we've completely overhauled the widget system - the little boxes to the right of the watermark that appeared when you were in passive mode for example.
They now support the displaying of cooldowns and other timers that occur in-game, such as teleport cooldowns, spawn protection, noclip cooldown, and more.
Your FPS now updates much faster, and both it and your ping indicators will light up depending on if they're good, bad, somewhere in between or truly out of this world...
Maybe we hyped that up at the end of that last sentence, but they're cool now, so there you go.
šØļø Notifications
We've experimented a lot with our notifications in the past and haven't managed to land on one where we've truly felt comfortable with... until now.
The new notifications are smooth, performant and most importantly, have...
All of the RGBs
Yes, you can now change the accent colour of both the watermark and the notifications - truly amazing software that deserves an award of some sort, I know.
Back to being serious though (ugh), you can do this through the /watermark
command (follow the instructions) using hex codes - try it out, let us know, and maybe we'll get a patent for it...
š„ Improved: Freecam
We've fully rewritten the server freecam for a better experience while using it.
Smoothing & Sensitivity
The freecam now has lots of smoothing and sensitivty adjustments depending on the zoom levels, as well as added shortcuts for quickly resetting the zoom, filters and roll.
Resetting & Notifications
There's also a key that you can use to lock and unlock the camera movement now, and notifications when changing filters that makes it easier to know which one to use and how far away you are from cycling to it.
Full update log
Added new internal backend tooling to help with telemetry, cross-server integrations, server hub data resiliency and more (by @nex)
Added more moderation tooling for dealing with problematic players (by @nex)
Added automatic group disbanding for those whose owners have been inactive for an extended period of time (by @nex)
Added various improvements to anticheat measures (by @nex)
Added new scheduled restart system with rolling announcements and queue pausing leading up to them (by @nex)
Added new watermark with improved performance, timed widgets for server features, warning indicators, and more (by @nex)
Added new notification system with a significantly better design (by @nex)
Added cross-server chat messages for global chats (by @nex)
Added Discord DM notifications for punished in-game players (by @nex)
Added 10+ new zones and drift leaderboards for existing drift maps (by @nex)
Added fences to a PvP zone near the docks (by @Dewayne3D)
Added pool, bowling, tennis, dance battles, and golf minigames (by @nex)
Added widgets to the watermark for spawn protection, repair cooldown, noclip cooldown, combat cooldown and more (by @nex)
Added massive overhauls to the server hub UI and performance (by @nex)
Added vehicle spawner page to the server hub with support for searching and filtering vehicles (by @nex)
Added pages for player statistics within the server hub (by @nex)
Added new report system with the ability to track report statuses (by @nex)
Added group tag prefixes to player names in chat (by @nex)
Added integration with clip markers for kills, deaths and more (by @nex)
Added a passive mode cooldown to teleporting to waypoint (by @nex)
Added the ability to change watermark and notification colours using hex codes with the /watermark
command (by @nex)
Added cash rewards to stunt and street race minigames in vMenu (by @nex)
Added roulette, slots, blackjack, and lucky wheel to the Casino along with special high-limit tables (by @nex)
Added an interior and outdoor area to the airport called Echoes of Europhia (by @Jamie & @Kai)
Added all weapons, vehicles and peds to vMenu for all DLCs leading up to Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC (by @nex)
Added boat anchoring to vMenu's vehicle options (by @nex)
Added no turbulence option for helicopters in vMenu (by @nex)
Added support for the new license plates introduced in the Chop Shop DLC (by @nex)
Added custom license plates for RSM.GG and Wales (by @nex)
Added custom license plate text formatting (by @nex)
Added system for picking up in-game items like cash (by @nex)
Added new unified combat system which prevents using certain features while in combat (by @nex)
Added heists system with initial support for ATM robberies through left-alt (by @nex)
Added a simple banking system for withdrawing bank balance to cash, and depositing cash to bank via ATMs on the map using left-alt (by @nex)
Added cash drops for killed players in PvP (by @nex)
Added the ability for players to exchange cash using left-alt (by @nex)
Added game activities system with Discord integration (by @nex)
Added opt-in server hub setting for displaying player pings via their names (by @nex)
Added spawn cooldown balancing to various vehicles mostly used in combat (by @nex)
Added major server-side performance improvements (by @nex)
Added new observatory expansion map (WIP) (by @Dewayne3D)
Added new countermeasures against ban evaders (by @nex)
Added sensitivity smoothing to freecam camera movement when zooming in (by @nex)
Added smoothing to zooming in with freecam (by @nex)
Added freecam reset shortcuts for zoom, filters and rolling (by @nex)
Added a key to lock the freecam movement and rotation (by @nex)
Added notifications for changing filters in freecam (by @nex)
Added performance improvements for freecam (by @nex)
Adjusted server restart schedule to only restart on Mondays and Fridays (by @nex)
Adjusted server restart schedule (by @nex)
Adjusted automod filters to block more obvious slurs (by @nex)
Adjusted the repair command to only allow repairing if the vehicle is above 25% health and was spawned by the player using the command (by @nex)
Adjusted the clear area option in vMenu to not remove objects (by @nex)
Adjusted various pieces of text in vMenu with spelling mistakes and the likes (by @nex)
Adjusted the delete vehicle command to only allow deleting if you're not in combat (by @nex)
Fixed a potential issue where player profiles could conflict and merge past the 24 hour mark of server uptime (by @nex)
Fixed a potential issue where automod could mute the wrong player if the server went past the 24 hour mark of uptime (by @nex)
Fixed an issue in the server hub where supporter statuses could update too early causing the status to instead show "Player" instead of the proper one (by @nex)
Fixed a bug where player IDs weren't being replicated across clients, causing some server features to not work as intended (by @nex)
Fixed many optimisation issues within maps (by @Dewayne3D)
Fixed a bug where players could reconnect to evade party bans (by @nex)
Fixed a bug where cash and bank counts were not updating properly after player connect (by @nex)
Fixed a bug where voice mutes could be temporarily bypassed by toggling voice chat (by @nex)
Fixed a map issue causing the central hospital to appear unloaded (by @nex)
Fixed an issue where respawning would cause your player to be facing north rather than the direction that you were looking at when respawning (by @nex)
Fixed a zone boundary issue near the Casino (by @nex)
Fixed a race condition that caused bugged code in FXServer to crash the server (by @nex)
Fixed an issue where party moderators could kick and ban eachother (by @nex)
Fixed instances of pages not loading or taking long to load in the server hub (by @nex)
Fixed server branding images not loading due to restrictions set in place by (by @nex)
Fixed a bug that caused the Open Wheel vehicle category in vMenu to be hidden (by @nex)
Fixed a bug that caused players to be forcefully disconnected shortly after joining the server (by @nex)
Fixed most bugs that arose from switching lobbies during certain server activities (by @nex)
Fixed an issue within vMenu that crippled the entire menu and would require a relog (by @nex)
Fixed a minor bug where vMenu would override player invincibility (by @nex)
Fixed a major bug with passive mode where players were being kept in godmode after toggle (by @nex)
Fixed a bug that caused vMenu player reports to not be sent properly (by @nex)
Fixed multiple issues where players were getting falsely banned for cheating (by @nex)
Fixed a bug where drift score (or chain) wasn't updating when the other related stat also updated at the same time (by @nex)
Fixed a case of a stuttering issue that was introduced in the last update (by @nex)
Fixed a bug that allowed banned party members to enter party-instanced zones by being a passenger of a non-banned players vehicle (by @nex)
Fixed an issue where the freecam filter would persist after exiting (by @nex)
Fixed a small logic issue causing players with a stable connection to get disconnected for having an unstable one (by @nex)
Fixed an exploit where players could deactivate noclip without passive mode being enforced for 30 seconds immediately after (by @nex)
Fixed hub player reports not being automatically closed when a player gets banned for a closely related reason (by @nex)
Removed the /report
command in favour of the new report system via vMenu and the server hub (by @nex)
Removed extra vegetation and trees around the map (by @nex)